Artwork 2D and 3D
Since I can remember, I liked to draw. I have extensive experience with creating Artwork and visualizing my ideas, whether it is on Pen and Paper in 2D, or digital and in 3D Programs.
2D Icons
Clip Studio Paint
Icons for a personal Project I created in Clip Studio Paint.

3D Modelling hard surface
Autodesk Maya / Pixologic ZBrush
Personal Projects I created over the years.

3D Modelling low Poly Character
Autodesk Softimage
A Character I created for a modelling test.

3D Artist "The Kore Gang"
Autodesk Maya
Working as Level Designer I needed a Safe, so I modelled, textured and animated one.

3D Artist "Das Duell Männer und Frauen"
Autodesk Maya
In close collaboration with the Game Designer, I designed, modelled, textured and animated several Party Games.

3D Artist
Short Movie "Emotions Unltd"
BsC 3D Computer Animation
Auotdesk Maya / Adobe Premiere / Adobe Photoshop
Scenes from my Short Movie, created for my final year Project. "Emotions Unltd".
Who do we talk to when we talk to ourselves. Created and animated in Autodesk Maya.

3D/2D Art
CGI Beginnings
Autodesk Maya / Adobe Photoshop
One of my fist CGI Images. I modelled the Tank animated it over a short clip, took a Screenshot and added dust and effects in Photoshop.